The Aeroflex 3283 now offers digital demodulation for the analysis of 802.11a, b and g wireless networks. Digital demodulation in the 3283 allows engineers to analyze the transmitter characteristics of a wireless device.

- 3 Hz to 26.5 GHz
- Full-frequency mode links the rear panel IF output at 421.4 MHz to the demodulator input.
- Dual-channel mode links directly from the instrument’s front panel or optionally via a rear panel connector to create a unique dual-channel instrument.
- High level accuracy ±0.15 dB up to 3 GHz Digital IF offers resolution bandwidths from 5 MHz to 1 Hz Low DANL of <-150 dBm/Hz
- +18 dBm third order intermodulation performance
- Excellent LO phase noise <-115 dBc/Hz, 1 GHz/10 kHz offset
- Optional tracking generator - all models