UTS-625 High Capacity Power Supply Tester
The UTS-625 provides the ultimate in power supply ATE flexibility. By taking full advantage of The UTS series open-ended architecture allows users to custom configure the Autotest system to meet the needs of any one or several applications. Housed in a full size rack, the UTS-625 system may be expanded from a single to multiple bay size as required.Upgrades and reconfigurations are handled with ease. AUTOTEST Company's APG for Windows software package provides simplicity and versatility to a power featured system.. This unique approach to ATE software combines the flexibility of the Microsoft Windows platform with the precision of Autotest's ASIS language (a windows interactive program creation and diagnostics module), and power of the DART (Design And Repair Testing) real-time control and display system. The combination is designed to take full advantage of the UTS-625's instrumentation superiority to provide a fast and user-friendly universal testing approach demanded by state-of-the-art ATE users.
Standard UTS-625 configurations include:
Dynamic Loads AC Source
DC Source High Resolution Digital Multi-Meter
Peak Noise and Time Measurement systems
Standard interface to accommodate complete static
and dynamic testing of up to 1100 watts of output power.
Popular UTS-625
Options Include:
Solid State AC and DC Sources
Electronic Load Variations
High Frequency Matrix
IEEE-488 (GPIB) Instruments
Digital and Relay Interfaces
Computer Peripherals
Bar Code Reader