Electronic Circuits Trainer ITF-01

Itf01.jpg (18872 バイト)The lTF-01 is a trainer for practically mastering various circuits becoming the basis of electronic circuits through training and is composed of the following four units. Since a radio receiver is made composed by combining the ITF-012, 013 and 014 among those units, overall understanding can be made by the whole training as well as understanding of basic circuits.


When 4 units abovementioned are assembled in the rack mount ITF-015, then overall training 

(exercises) as a radio receiver can be performed

The increase of understanding the amplifier circuits becoming the most basis of electronic circuits 

is taken into consideration, so there3 is an effect as the fundamental knowledge training unit

An example of the standard basic operation of each circuit is made possible only by integrated circuits, 

but on the other hand, constants designed by trainers are also possible to be attached, so interest 
in the unit is excited, furthermore education effect can be measured

The training unit ITF-014 is also made operated as the power source of the whole these units, 

so the external power source is unnecessary

Contents of Training

1. Oscillator and Modulator Circuits Training Kit   lTF-011

+Training in Collector tuning (bias, frequency and oscillation requirements)
+Training in CR-type phase transient oscillators
+Training in collector modulating circuits

2. AM Receiver Circuit Training Kit  lTF-012

+Training in IF tuning characteristics
+Training in bias characteristic of AGC and non-AGC
+Training in detection characteristics
+Training in Receive Circuits and Frequency Converters

3. Audio Amplifier Circuit Training Kit  ITF-013

+Training in bias determination, amplitude, frequency characteristics, phase characteristic wide band 

amplification (training in feedback, peaking and low frequency boost)
+Training in double amplifier circuits
+Training in power amplifier circuits (bias, power, efficiency, distortion)

4. Rectifier and Smoothing Circuit Training Kit  ITF-014

+Training in half-wave rectifier circuits and full wave rectifier circuit
+Training in smoothing circuits(C. L.C. pi)

5.Radio receiver


Logic Circuits Trainer ITF-02

Itf02.jpg (14226 バイト)
The lTF-02 is a trainer, by which leaning can be made visually by combining the undermentioned units, which is provided with each circuit element, signal source and indicator on its panel so that training can easily be performed from the foundation to the application of logical circuits.


Since each circuit element is indicated graphically on its panel so as to understand them easily, 

the elements can easily be understood

The level of input/output can be indicated as [1] and [0] by LED digit indicator on the panel

Since input/output terminal is attached to each circuit element, the connection between circuit 

element is possible and various combinations can be made

Since the number of circuit element is many (45 gates, 10 flip-flops), application 

is made sufficiently

Since a signal source is contained, most of training can be performed without the

 external generator

Contents of Training

Basic operation training of AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, and Exclusive OR
Assembly and operation training of half-adder and full-adder
Assembly and operation training of encoder and decoder
Basic operation training of R-S and J-K flip-flops
Basic operation training of shift registers, other application trainin


Pulse Circuits Trainer ITF-03

Itf03.jpg (15076 バイト)
The ITF-03 is trainer, by which leaning can be made visually by combining the under mentioned units, which is provided with each circuit element and signal source on its panel so that training can easily be performed from the foundation to the application of pulse circuits

Since each circuit element is indicated graphically on its panel, the elements can be understood

Since constants designed by trainees are possible to be attached also, comparison with 

standard operation, the change of operation caused by constant change, etc., can be observed,  then it is easy to rasp the applicability and understanding of the trainees 

Since each circuit is provided with input/output terminals, the connection between circuits is 

possible, and various combinations can be made

Since the number of circuit element is many (13kinds), application is made sufficiently

Since a signal source is contained, even through the external generator is no used specially, 

most of training can be performed

Contents of Training

Training of differentiation circuit and integration circuit
Training of clipping circuit and clamping circuit
Training of logic circuits (AND, OR, NOT)
Training of Miller circuit and bootstrap circuit
Training of multi-vibrator (mono-stable, astable, bistable, Schmitt trigger)


Semiconductors Trainer ITF-05

Itf05.jpg (14227 バイト)
The ITF-05 is a trainer which is designed to master the operation and characteristic of various semiconductor elements, by which two-terminal and three-terminal semiconductors can be mastered.

This is a training unit for general use, by which various two-terminal and three-terminal 

semiconductor elements are possible to be measured

Since various source (current and voltage) controlling the control electrodes (base of transistor, 

training is gate of FET, gate of SCR, etc.) of three terminal element is integrated, when the same kind of  performed at the same time, not so many external sources are required

Two-terminal type power semiconductor can be mastered by using the self contained voltage source
In the training of the transistors, the AC measurement of h parameter is also possible
This is designed so that it may be protected from circuit shirting, miss-swiring, etc.



Contents of Training

Training of characteristic (voltage and currant) measurement of two-terminal elements

Measurements : diode, zener diode, selenium rectifier, varistor, thyristor, etc.

Training of characteristic (voltage, current, various parameters) measurement of three-terminal elements

Transistor : static characteristic, h parameter (AC overlapping)
FET : static characteristic, amplitude, impedance
SCR : static characteristic
LED : static characteristic


Electronic Counter Circuits Trainer ITF-06

Itf06.jpg (12572 バイト)
The ITF-06 is a trainer, by which leaning can be made visually by arranging each circuit on its panel and combining them in order to understand the basic operation of the electronic counter

Since each circuit block is indicated on its panel graphically, the circuits are easy to be understood

Since each circuit block is provided with input/output terminal. circuit configuration for 

the each function can be made easily

Training can be performed for 5 functions (frequency measurement, period measurement, 

time interval measurement, frequency ratio measurement, totalizaing measurement)

Since the measured results are not only indicated but also possible to be output as digital data,  

this unit can be used as A/D converter 

Contents of Training

Training of frequency measurement
Training of period measurement
Training of time interval measurement
Training of frequency ratio measurement
Training of totalizing measurement


Arithmetic Calculator Circuits Trainer ITF-07

Itf07.jpg (12546 バイト)The lTF-07 is a trainer which is designed so that training of four arithmetic operations can be performed while trainees confirm visual operations one by one by indicating the basic circuits of calculator on the panel

Since the circuit block having necessary function for four arithmetic calculation 

are graphically and respectively indicated on the panel respective, the circuit is easy composed and understood

Establishment of input is performed by decimal and calculated by binary, but its result 

can be indicated by decimal also as well as binary

The content of registers is indicated as [1] and [0] by LED digit indicator

Since indication is made by counting shift clock pulse, mistakes caused by 

misunderstanding of trainees can be avoided

Contents of Training

Training of adding calculator
Training of subtracting calculator
Training of multiplication calculator
Training of dividing calculator

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