PMC function* (Factory
option) |
motor control function SG-507 |
(SG-4115) |
motor control function SG-506 |
(SG-4105) |
outputs in open collector (50V) are output from rear panel with PMC
option. Common motor driver circuit connected with PMC |
option function controls pulse motor. Pulse motor is evaluated
acceleration or braking controls not only by position control, but
also under loaded condition. The PMC option makes ease the evaluation. ¡@ |
(Pulse Motor Control) is coined word by IWATSU. |
Upper waveform shows
drive pulse for pulse motor, lower waveform shows sensor input
waveform. After reaching maximum frequency while specified
accelerating period, starts braking by sensor input signal. Then stops
at specified pulse counts.SG-4115 can CW/CCW repeat control with 2
channel output signals. |