SY-8258 Specifications
Measurement method Cross-power spectrum method (complying with IEC62044-3)
Measurement modes Bs, Pc, B-H, and mi measurement
Measurement items Characteristics values Saturation magnetic flux density (Bs), coercive force (Hc), residual magnetic flux density (Br), square ratio (Br/Bm), core loss (Pc, Pcv, Pcm), amplitude permeability (ma), phase angle (q), AC initial permeability (miac), inductance (L), Q-factor (Q), [Unit: SI]
Waveforms B-H curve and excitation current/inducing voltage/magnetic field/flux density waveforms
Measurement (excitation) frequency 50 Hz to 1 MHz, within ±0.1%
Oscillator output ±3.0 V max.
Magnetic field detection Voltage drop across two ends of non-inductive resistor (1 ohm ±1%, incorporated in POD)
±5 mA/full-scale to ±5 A/full-scale
Magnetic flux detection Detection of voltage (induced voltage) across two ends of detection coil
±5 mV/full-scale to ±200 V/full-scale
Digitizer resolution 14 bits
Sample connection method 2-coil method (excitation coil, detection coil) or 1-coil method (common excitation/detection coil)
Measurement accuracy Conditions: Standard pod used, temperature held constantly within +23°C ±5°C after preheating for 1 hour following calibration
H, B amplitude measurement: Typical accuracy of within ±3% (80% of range used; range = 50 mA/50 mV or higher)
Phase measurement: Typical accuracy of within ±0.15° (80% of range used; range = 50 mA/50 mV or higher)
Note that the measurement accuracy may differ depending on the characteristics of the sample and the measurement conditions.
Measurement time Approx. 3 seconds (with measurement frequency of 1 kHz or higher and tolerance of ±5% or more)
Display method Color LCD (640 x 240 dots) with backlight
Power supply 100 to 120 V/200 to 240 V AC (selected automatically), 50/60 Hz, power consumption = approx. 150 VA max.
Weight and dimensions Main unit: Approx. 15 kg, 430 (w) x 177 (h) x 480 (l) ±2 mm each (excluding pod)
Environment Performance-guaranteed temperature range: +18°C to +28°C
Operating range: +5°C to +35°C, humidity: 85% RH (+35°C) or less
Preheating time The performance of the instrument is guaranteed when the instrument is held at a constant temperature (±1°C) within the performance-guaranteed temperature range following preheating of at least 60 minutes after power is applied.
Other Optional extras: Built-in LAN interface, built-in GP-IB interface, built-in printer
Provided accessories Power supply cable x 1, SMA-BNC cable x 1, instruction manual x 1

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