Kenwood VA-2230 Audio Analyzer

Digital Signal Processing
FFT (fast Fourier transform) analysis
Low-distortion DDS (Direct Digital Synthesizer) generator
2-channel input
Large, multi-LCD display
GPIB interface
Balanced/unbalanced inputs
8 built-in filters
1 .Frequency
2. AC level
3. Watts
4. Distortion
5. Total harmonic distortion
6. Harmonic distortion analysis
7. S/N ratio
8. L/R and R/L ratio
10. DC level
DSP for Measurements Based on FFT Computations
True rms measurements based on FFT are made possible by the DSP. The distortion
measurements include the total distortion measurement (THD+N) as well as the total harmonic
distortion measurement (THD) and the harmonic analysis (HD) which have previously been available
only with high-grade tools.
DDS Signal Generator with Low Distortion
The signal generator is capable of low-distortion signal oscillation
based on the DDS (Direct Digital Synthesizer) method with a high
50 ppm frequency stability.
The setting can be made at a high speed.
Large LCD for Versatile Display
Three display modes include: numeric display mode (PAGE 1 in Datasheet), an analog meter mode (PAGE 2) and limit mode for use in GO/NO-GO judgments (PAGE 3).
Excellent Operability
Menu operations are performed based on selections using function keys while direct keys are used
to switch the output channels and measuring items. The output value settings can be modified using
the numeric keys or the jog /shuttle keys.
GP-IB Provided as Standard
The GP-IB is now standard production line item. It also makes system expansion easy by enabling
the transfer of memory contents between tools of the same model (memory copy), and the
synchronized recalling of preset memory, etc.
Floating Switching
The GND circuits of the signal generation block, AC measurement block and DC measurement
block are separate and each can be floated from the cabinet independently of the others.
SINAD Measurement
The SINAD measurement makes the analyzer usable in the field of communications equipment as
well as in the field of audio equipment.
Two Input/Output Channels
While the signal generation and measurement blocks are composed of single-channel circuitry,
signal switchers are built in to allow the input and output of 2 channels of signals. This makes
possible the measurements of crosstalk, signal separation and L/R ratios.
- The frequency range of the frequency counter and AC levelmeasurement functions is expanded up to 210 kHz to enable the head bias adjustment of the tape decks.
- Relative measurement is possible in AC level measurementwhile wattage display (virtual load) is possible when simulating a loudspeaker, etc.