Wide output frequency range from 9 kHz to 3.3 GHz with 0.1 Hz resolution ¡@ With the wide frequency range many applications are covered and one instrument can be used in many different tasks. |
High (+13 dBm)
and precise output level (<0.5 dB)
The R&S SML signal generators have plenty of power in reserve so level loss produced by the test setup can be easily compensated. Also its high level accuracy makes it ideal for use in larger test setups: Measurement uncertainty can be split into the contribution from the instrument and that introduced from the test setup. With a smaller uncertainty of the generator, greater tolerances can be allowed for the test setup. If the small level deviation of the analyzer is used to allow for higher DUT tolerances, the result will be a marked reduction in manufacturing rejects ¡V an advantage that pays off immediately. |
level setting by electronic attenuator
Many highly sophisticated electronic devices are very sensitive for overshoots which are coming up from interrupts in level variations. With the interruption-free level setting of the R&S SML by its electronic attenuator the device under test is save from such overshoots. |
High spectral
purity (<¡V122 dBc (1 Hz) at f = 1 GHz and 20 kHz carrier offset)
Fast setting time
for frequency and level
Due to the synthesizer concept the setting times are very low. This is an important feature which makes it ideal for the use in production where speed is of prime importance. And this is exactly one of the strong points of the R&S SML, with a setting time lower than 10 ms. |
Low cost of
ownership with a 3-year calibration cycle
The three-year calibration intervals cuts costs and increase availability. |
Compact size (only
2 HU)
Space is often at a premium in production. The compact size of the R&S SML makes it ideal for use in such environments. |
AM/FM/£pM and
optional Pulse modulation
The R&S SML covers the classic analog modulations without any restrictions. So for example with the DC-coupled FM the R&S SML allows to be used as an accurate VCO. Simultaneously, AM, FM/£pM and pulse modulation can be used. |