TC-3000B Bluetooth Tester

กป Product Description
TC-3000B Bluetooth Tester is able to analyzer the data of every packet that is transmitted to the upper application protocol layer using the protocol stack, which is developed by us. In addition, it enables the user to examine the transmitting and receiving signal function. Since it has built-in signal waveform analysis functions such as spectrum analysis, modulation analysis and period power analysis, this enables the user to perform various RF test simply and conveniently. Moreover, since it has important test cases include EDR built-in, it enables the user to check the eligibility of the product standard simply and easily.
กป Key Features
Supports Bluetooth 1.1/1.2/2.0+EDR
Integrated measurement (RF, Audio, Protocol)
Measures the suitability of Bluetooth specifications, overall auto measurement function according to test case
- Supports 12 RF test cases
- Supports 13 basic Baseband test cases
- Supports Dirty Transmitter
Audio performance (SCO Link) Measurement function (Option 3000-10)
- Audio quality verification (SINAD, Distortion), Audio spectrum, SCO loopback functiion
RF signal analyzer function (Option 3000-20)
- Spectrum Analyzer, Analyze Modulation wave form, power vs. time, power vs. channel, RX-BER
Protocol analyzer function (Option 3000-30)
- Supports Master/Slave mode
- Baseband, LMP, HCI, L2CAP, RFCOMM, SDP, Profile packet analysis
- Execute function of HCI command
EDR Function(Option 3000-40)
- I-Q Constellation
- DEVM (Differential Error Vector Magnitude)
- TX Bit Error Rate (TX-BER)
- Supports 7 EDR RF test case
Digital signal generator /Spectrum Analyzer for 2.4GHz
User difinable Baseband IN/OUT ports for real-time signal monitoring, external modulation, audio source and audio analyzer
HCI interface for DUT connection: USB, RS -232C (UART, BCSP)
Remote control: TCP/IP (LAN), RS -232C
Simple upgrade using the Internet or a floppy disk
CE Compliant : EN61010-2001, EN61326,A2:2001, EN6 1000-3-2, 2000, EN6 1000-3-3,A1:2001