
Hand-held Magnetic Loop Antenna, type MTA-MLA-930A
Frameantenna with preamplifier |
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Hand-guidedactiveframeantenna |
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Frequencyrange9kHz¡V30MHz |
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AE150mm |
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Max.fictiveelectricfieldstrenght150V/m(0.4A/m) |
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Antennafactor40dB/m |
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Powersupply+12V/0,15A |
The probes MTA-MLA-930A measure only magnetic field strength and use E field shielding. This is also true when fictitious E field strength is derived from magnetic field strength via the characteristic field impedance of the free space. Fictitious electric field strength has been used for many years. Especially in the common AM frequency ranges the field strength of broadcast transmitters was measured under far field conditions. For one probe there are different conversion factors for the calculation of fictitious electric and magnetic field strength level. They differ by 51,5 dB and so at least one of the conversion factors will be "odd" and inconvenient. For this reason conversion factors (antenna factors) of the hand-held probes are optimised for the calculation of the fictitious electric field strength level in dBmV/m. |
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Active hand-held magnetic probe |
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Max. fictive E field strength 150 V/m |
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Frequency range 9 kHz ¡V 30 MHz |
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Full frequency range |
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Max. H field strength 0,4 A/m |
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Convenient antenna factor for electric field strength |