PPA2500 Series Precision Power Analyzers
KinetiQ: DC and 10mHz to 2MHz power analysis
New: Master Slave control for 4 to 6 phase applications
For applications requiring 4, 5 or 6 phase power measurement, PPA2500 series power analyzers can be operated in Master-Slave mode for fully synchronised analysis.
Master Slave control for 4 to 6 phase operation in PPA PDF, 376Kb
Today's designers of electronic devices ranging from power supplies and lighting ballasts to microwaves and motor drives face continued pressure to develop smaller and more efficient products. This push for greater efficiency results in an ever increasing frequency of power conversion techniques and with these new techniques comes the need for power measurement instruments with much greater high frequency accuracy |

PPA2530 Precision Power Analyzer |
New!: PPA2600 offers up to 50Arms and Rack Mounting
With a 19" width chasis and modified rear panel design, the PPA2600 offers convenient rack mounting and the option for 50Arms direct current inputs. ¡X details coming soon.
Responding to this growing need, N4L has combined years of experience in high frequency measurement instrumentation with innovative developments in analog and digital design to produce a new generation of class leading precision power analyzers called the PPA2500 series. In common with many advances in technology, the PPA2500 series not only excels in performance but it achieves this at an exceptionally competitive price, putting high performance power analysis within the reach of all those who need it. |

PPA2530 Precision Power Analyzer
(front panel) |
Six instantly accessible functions |

PPA2530 Precision Power Analyzer
(back panel)
Power analyzer
RMS, Fundamental, Harmonic and dc POWER for any single phase or all phases |
Real time or background accumulation of rms and fundamental integrated values |
Harmonics analyzer
Simultaneous display of voltage and current harmonics plus THD with real time, bargraph or tabular views |
RMS Multimeter
Multimeter functions with simultaneous display of rms (with and without dc component), dc, peak, crest factor and surge |
PPA2530 Master-Slave extension (back panel)
Downloads |
See real time voltage and current waveforms with amplitude, timebase, trigger and cursor functions. |
Impedance analyzer
Total impedance, with resistive and reactive components plus phase angle of all phases |
Brochure & Technical Specifications
PDF, 744Kb |
Compatible accessories... |
As with our PSM range of Phase Sensitive Multimeters, our priority when designing the user interface of the PPA2500 was to combine great flexibility with ease of use. The result is an instrument providing a greater range of functions than any competitive product and yet all primary measurements can be seen instantly by pressing just one of six mode keys. |
- coming soon - |
Features |
- 0.04% basic accuracy |
- Frequency range dc and 10mHz to 2MHz |
- High precision internal shunts |
- 5 millidegree basic phase accuracy |
- 30Arms - 300Apk direct current input |
- 1, 2 or 3 phase versions |
- Real time datalog and integration |
- High speed sampling on all channels |
- 1000Vrms - 3000Vpk direct voltage input |
- True real time analysis with no measurement gap |
- Easy to use - Single button access to all measurement modes |
- Real time Digital, Tabular, Graphic and Oscilloscope displays |
- Master - slave configuration for 6 phase operation |
- Simple BNC connection of N4L shunts for high current applications |
- RS232, IEEE488, USB, LAN, Torque, Speed and Extension ports |
Watts, Volts, Amps, VA, VArs, Vdc, Adc, Vac, Aac, Vpk, Apk, Asurge, pf, frequency, phase, impedance, datalog, integration, fundamentals, harmonics |
PPA2500 KinetiQ PSM1700 PsimetriQ PSM1735 NumetriQ |
Ordering information |
- PPA2510: Single phase precision power analyzer
- PPA2520: Two phase precision power analyzer
- PPA2530: Three phase precision power analyzer
- PPA2600: Offers up to 50Arms and Rack Mounting - details coming soon
Voltage accuacy |
This product is designed, manufactured & supported in the UK. All measurements are traceable to UKAS, certificates of conformance and calibration are supplied as standard. Our products are CE marked. |